Collection: Don Benjie

Owners Jose Benjamin de Dianous G. and Stefan Arwed Müller started operating the farm in 2011, committed to quality and preserving the environment.

Their brand and commercial name is Café Don Benjie as a tribute to Mr. Benjamin de Dianous Henriquez, who is known in the town of Boquete as Don Benjie. Benjamin de Dianous has always been a coffee enthusiast and has contributed to the town and coffee business of Boquete.

The plantation is under a constant renewal, always aiming for excellent quality, taking care of the environment and the well being of our workforce. They are producing micro lots of specialty coffees that are carefully harvested by varietal and then processed as naturals, washed, semi washed, machine or sun dried.

During the past two tears they also have been processing with innovative fermentations as anaerobic and carbonic macerations, yeast fermentations and other experimental processes with excellent results. The coffee cherries are hand selected and carefully sun dried on beds.
